The goal is to identify problems related to Women and ICTs, and to create “new” theories from a local perspective. This book is the first of its kind, it represents a starting point, a work in progress that will hopefully lead to more in-depth research or similar follow up studies.

Chapter 1 introduces an international overview of ICTs discourse in the Eastern European region, and gender indicators used as a method of analysis and evaluation.
While Chapter 2 focuses on Croatian statistical data we gathered,
Chapter 3 – Women-Owned Websites – also looks at quantitative in addition to qualitative data, specifically what women in Croatia are expressing via web sites and why.
The way women’s organizations and activists use ICTs can be found in Chapter 4 – Online Activism.
While typical research addresses lack of resources as playing a large part in limiting women’s use of ICTs, Chapter 5 looks at indirect aspects of society, – the portrayal of women and new technologies in mass media – which can influence people’s perspectives of women’s ICT use even when resources are available.
The final chapter is a collection of interviews, offering a space for women who are in some way connected to ICTs to share their stories and experience.

By looking at the expectations and potentials the Internet can provide to a society in transition we can measure the status of new democracies by evaluating how the Internet, as a tool of and for an open and free society, is being used by women. Are democratic attempts to incorporate women’s human rights and greater public participation on a political and cultural level being achieved in everyday lives of women?

As this book is the first of its kind, it represents a starting point, a work in progress that will hopefully lead to more in-depth research or similar follow up studies.

The research book was funded through the European North America WomenAction program entitled “Effective E-Feminism.”

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