Ireen Dubel, a programme manager for Gender, Women & Development in HIVOS, share HIVOS' perspective on the importance of financing ICT in the context of women's rights. This was presented at the panel “Communication Rights for Women - Why the Purse feels empty?: Financing for women's equitable access to Information and Communication Technologies”, organised by APC WNSP, UN DAW and IWTC during the 52nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York in February 2008.
Dubel explains the interest of HIVOS to support ICT as a critical component of access to knowledge and information, and a means for women to exercise and claim their economic, civil and political rights. She is also concerned with an emerging mainstreaming approach in the ICT for Development (ICTD) sector, and urge for deeper examination of whole mainstreaming concept in the context of experiences from gender mainstreaming and its inefficiency to address gender equality.
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