The Global Media Monitoring Project is a worldwide media monitoring, research and advocacy project implemented collaboratively with women’s rights organizations, grassroots groups, media associations, faith-based / interfaith organizations, university students and researchers across the world. The 2015 results are available!
This report emerges from research carried out in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) between November 2013 and April 2014 by Si Jeunesse Savait and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) as part of a multi-country project entitled “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online”. Mobile phones had been the most frequently involved platform in the cases of technology-related…
The research project is part of the remedies for victims/survivors of technology-related forms of violence against women (VAW). The project is an implementation by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in partnership with seven countries: Mexico, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Philippines, Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 2015 IGF Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Online Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Against Women used an open and inclusive process to gather a broad variety of views and inputs on this multidimensional problem over nine months. As a result of this community-driven process, the BPF’s draft findings reflect a rich diversity of responses from various stakeholders and regions regarding the issue.
In 2015, APC's Women's Rights Programme did advocacy work with the members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) who are leading the development of the new general recommendations. One of these is the General Recommendation on Access to Justice. Influencing the language of the document in terms of how to incorporate ICTs in the draft was one of the main…
The site launched by the Association for Progressive Communications reflect the background of the “From impunity to justice“ research and share its findings with a wide audience. The multi-country research explored corporate and state remedies for dealing with technology-related violence against women (VAW).
The report "From impunity to justice: Exploring technology-related violence against women in Mexico" reflects research carried out in Mexico between November 2013 and April 2014. Comprising an in-depth analysis of four case studies, a mapping of the socio-legal landscape, and an assessment of the policies of internet and telephony companies, the report highlights women’s voices and provides a…
This report describes research carried out by Colnodo in Colombia between February and May 2014 as part of an Association for Progressive Communications (APC) project covering seven countries, titled End violence: Women's rights and safety online.
The term “revenge porn” has become popular internationally for describing a virtual form of violence: the act of an ex-partner making private sexual images or videos public online. Authors, Mariana Giorgetti Valente, Natália Neris and Lucas Bulgarelli of InternetLab – Law and Technology research Center explore and analyse the exposure of teenage girls online.