Feminist talk

Pakistani Women’s Hopes of Breaking Silence and of Creating Discourse Online

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2024 - 02:43 | 152 views

Pakistani women have always struggled to navigate public spheres given the scrutiny and violence that they are subjected to. But they're now fighting back by taking their space in the online public spaces that enables them to access an audience on their own terms. Yet, it comes at a cost.

Set of polaroid photos.

Feminist talk

Snitches, Screenshots, And Pressure To Conform: Finstas Become A Refuge For Pakistani Women And Queer People

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2022 - 03:27 | 1,369 views

Owing to the constantly increasing threats to their safety, women and LGBT+ folks struggle to have a sense of privacy on the internet in Pakistan. Finstas, or fake Instagram, provides them a safe space for their self-expression. Momina Mindeel explores the serious repercussions of privacy violations, and the 'need' for finstas.