Canadian International Development Agency submission to the second ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference (Malta, 1998) argues for the recognition of gender implication and the incorporation of the needs of both women and men in the telecommunication development .
The report give an overview of the current state of research undertaken in the area of the information society . Five essential subjects were selected for more detailed exploration: gender equality, cultural and linguistic diversity, freedom of expression, people with disabilities, and universal access and infoethics .
The Plan of Action adopted in 2001 recognizes the potential of ICTs to contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
The purpose of the Toolkit is to promote the collection of gender disaggregated data in scientific and technological activities for national and international policy.
The brief explores a number of moments of articulation and contradiction within the WSIS process, including gender imbalance, the politics of the inside and the outside, the space between rhetoric and action, and the lack of media coverage of a media-focussed event.
The space offers a platform for substantive reflection and debate on the WSIS process, outcomes, and purposes.
The paper describes and assess the efforts to secure inclusion of gender issues at the World Summit on Information Society in Geneva.
Media and Gender Monitor is a bi-annual publication from the WACC Women's Programme addressing a wide range of gender and communication issues.
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005 is a grassroots media monitoring, research and advocacy project which aims to promote the fair and balanced representation of women and men in news media worldwide.